Psybersafe Blog
Read our short, informative blog posts to understand more about cyber security and how people’s behaviour is key to improving it.
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This is the time of year when businesses commit to goals for the coming year. These are often about turnover, profitability, head count or exploring a new market.
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Scam mailshots and emails pretending to be linked to the World Cup in Qatar are the latest big-ticket phishing scams to hit the headlines.
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We were interested to read an article in The Economist earlier this month, referencing the recent issues that politicians have had with their personal communications.
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In August 2020, law firm Tuckers Solicitors were victim to what they called ‘a significant cyber attack’.
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How many passwords do you have? Do you (and you know you shouldn’t) use the SAME password over and over again?
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One of the first things we do in the Psybersafe programme is talk about passwords. Why?
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“Speaking from personal experience, businesses only care after they've been attacked.”
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It’s all very well talking about expensive technical solutions and spending time on processes and policies, but ...
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Obviously, we think it’s no accident that ‘People’ is the first pillar in this list.
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Phishing is all about getting access to you – your data, your information, your money. Or if not yours, then that of your organisation or a network you have access to.
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Cyber attacks are now a part of life, and there’s clear evidence that they can be used by one nation in order to destabilise another.
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First things first: do you need a cyber training budget?